5 differences online game trees '
5 differences online game trees '

In the online book, Greg says to a female teacher "No speech English" to get out of doing a problem.A time capsule imagined by Greg says "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2200 A.D." in the online book and "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2300 A.D." in the books.

5 differences online game trees

Grandpa shouts "There are monkeys in the walls! There are monkeys in the walls!", while in The Third Wheel, it is Uncle Gary who does so instead.While watching TV during the weekend, a TV commentator says "That's a gutter ball, Dave" in the online book and "That's a spare, Dave" in the books.A girl passes a note saying "Greg is a goober" in the online book and "Greg is a dork" in the books.Rodrick's party takes place on March 12 in the online book and October 27 in Rodrick Rules.The kid who almost sits next to Greg is named Otha Harris in the online book and Jason Brill in the books.

5 differences online game trees

This means Rodrick had to scrub toilets on the weekends.

5 differences online game trees

In this version, Greg says he got to get out of a chore on the weekends if he writes in his journal each day.This version appears to be one whole story.This article explains the differences found between the three series, online version, books, and films.

5 differences online game trees '