Darkest dungeon jesus christ how stressful
Darkest dungeon jesus christ how stressful

darkest dungeon jesus christ how stressful darkest dungeon jesus christ how stressful

They are ready for them, they are not to expect a moment’s respite. And it is twofold– the punishment of ‘loss’, in separation from God and Christ– ‘Depart from Me ’ And the punishment of ‘sense’– in most poignant and extreme torments– Depart from Me ‘into fire.’Ī. The ‘punishment’ which they are sentenced to, and to which they were always bound over by virtue of the curse. The ‘quality’ of the condemned– ‘you cursed.’ The Judge finds the ‘curse of the law’ upon them as transgressors, and sends them away with it, from His presence, into hell, there to be fully executed upon them.Ģ. In which, three things may be taken notice of–ġ. But the last thing He will do, before He leaves the throne, is to curse and condemn His enemies as we learn from the text which contains the dreadful sentence wherein the everlasting misery of the wicked is declared. The last thing which our Lord did, before He left the earth, was, ‘He lifted up his hands, and blessed his disciples’ (Luke, 24:50,51). Were there no other place of eternal lodging but heaven, I should here have closed my discourse of man’s eternal state but as in the other world there is a prison for the wicked, as well as a palace for saints, we must also inquire into that state of everlasting misery which the worst of men may well bear with, without crying– ‘Are you come to torment us before the time?’ since there is yet access to flee from the wrath to come and all that can be said of it comes short of what the dammed will feel for ‘who knows the power of God’s anger?’ “Then He shall say unto those on the left hand, “Depart from me, you cursed ones, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels!”” Matthew 25:41 This sermon taken from: The Complete Works of Thomas Boston, vol. Author of Human Nature in Its Fourfold State (1720), Notes to the Marrow of Modern Divinity (1726), and many other treatises and sermons. Thomas Boston (1676-1732): Scottish Presbyterian minister and scholar. The Doctrine of Hell – a most unpopular topic today.

Darkest dungeon jesus christ how stressful