Otter dictation software
Otter dictation software

Reason8 does support other languages, but works best for American English at this time. where all participants are in the room.Īll these work on Android and iOS, and most only support English language at the moment. I looked for software that did in-person transcription of meetings i.e.

otter dictation software

Genius!īut how well do they really work? Is it just as much effort to edit than it would be to start from scratch? I wanted to find out. Press record on the app, and the software listens, transcribes and then gives you the meeting minutes draft. Regardless of the type of project meeting you are in, most sessions need some kind of record. But - ta da! - tech has moved on so much that now there are tools that transcribe your meetings for you. When I started my career and acquired my habits, there wasn’t an alternative. Surely there has to be a better way? Enter Meeting Minutes Transcription Software So generally, when I am chairing a meeting, I take notes by hand and type them up after the meeting.īut: that is a huge waste of time, and I’ve been called out on it by readers and colleagues before. I don’t think you can chair and type minutes at the same time.

otter dictation software

It has probably been only the last year that I have started taking minutes of meetings directly into a laptop during the meeting, and that is only when I am not chairing the meeting. I now have a paid plan with and it meets my needs. I wouldn’t rely on any of them alone to create ‘real’ meeting minutes so expect to edit your document afterwards whichever one you choose. They all have pros and cons depending on how you want to use them.

Otter dictation software