Steam deck scalper
Steam deck scalper

If not, you'll be in the market to get (by that point) possibly a better version made by another company.

steam deck scalper

If you haven't got your reservation in yet, you're going to be looking waiting until probably the end of next year or even into 2023 to get one shipped, even if you ship it to someone in a country that is eligible to "reserve", in which case your best bet is probably just to wait until it does launch in Norway.Īssuming it reviews well and Valve sees their game sales tick up a little when people start buying more games to play on them, I'm sure it will launch in other places given time. I think legally speaking, this might be a mailbox address you pay for. I don't have any first hand experience with that, but I have seen other people paying for this. In that case you have to tell Steam to deliver to a postbox or some sorts, and those people will repackage it to send it to you. I have never tried it myself, but I have seen other people use some to buy stuff like Japan-exclusive items. If you don't have a relative in the EU, there is still the option to pay a reshipping service. But be very careful to use your relative / friends name in the shipping order, else the delivery agent might return the package when they see nobody with that name living there. Change your account information in Steam, pretending that you actually live at their place. If they don't have Steam, you have to make the purchase. If they do have a Steam account, the best is to let them actually buy it with their name, shipping it to their own address, then they repackage it and send it to you - legally speaking they buy it and immediately sell it to you. The cheapest way is to ask a friend or relative in the EU.

Steam deck scalper